Dielectric SpectroscopyNon-monotonous KineticsStructure ElucidationProtein DynamicsGenome Evolution


I was always bored by long introductions. This page is about the things that I was doing since I was engaged with... well, some people call it "areas of my expertise". I better just say that below are few topics that I was working on for some time.

Take Care!

Yaroslav Ryabov

P.S. By the way there are my short Resume and complete list of publications

as well as the link to my Google Scholar profile.

Protein Dynamics

I am trying to understand the relationships between internal dynamics and structure of proteins with the purpose to develop methods to extract information about protein internal mobility from experimental data. The key for both problems is ... more

Protein Structure Elucidation

Protein structure elucidation comprises a wide spectrum of computational methods targeted to provide three dimensional structures of proteins using ... more

Genome Evolution

This work branched from my protein dynamics activity by a quite unusual way ... more

Dielectric relaxation

These problems were my major subject when I was working as a postdoc at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem in the Lab of Professor Yuri Feldman ... more

Relaxation kinetics in confinement

This project was originated from an unusual experimental observation ... It was observed that relaxation time associated with dielectric relaxation of water molecules confined in porous glass exhibits a non-monotonic temperature dependency ... more

Fractional Calculus

This was the subject of my Ph.D. thesis ... more

Some of my oral presentations

Here are pdf and PowerPoint files of some presentations which I made on a number different occasions ... more